Judy Matelski - Owner
Judy has an eye for creating beautiful hanging baskets and arrangements! She would be happy to help you pick out the perfect pre-arranged basket or make flower recommendations that will thrive at your home or business.
Flowers are Judy's passion! You might catch her out playing country music for her flowers and singing to them as she waters and cares for them by hand each day.
Flowers are Judy's passion! You might catch her out playing country music for her flowers and singing to them as she waters and cares for them by hand each day.
Jennifer -Partner in all things Cherry Hill Greenhouse
Planting, watering, customer service, cashier, designer; Jen does it all!
Pictured: Jen and Judy
Pictured: Jen and Judy
The Crew!
We couldn't do it without this bunch! We love them! -Not all pictured
The Grandkids
The youngest members of the team, specializing in greeting customers, smiling at the ladies, and eating cookies. (2014)
Top: Richie, Kaiden, Jaylind, & River
Bottom: Eric, Bethany, & Damien
Top: Richie, Kaiden, Jaylind, & River
Bottom: Eric, Bethany, & Damien
Picture of the grandkids Spring 2015
Top: Kaiden, Jaylind, Jacee
Middle: River
Botton: Damien, Ahni, and Richie
Top: Kaiden, Jaylind, Jacee
Middle: River
Botton: Damien, Ahni, and Richie
The Boys
Owning and operating a greenhouse requires a lot of heavy lifting; Judy's son's -Jerry, Joe, Josh (not pictured), and Jake are always willing to lend a hand !